Zograf 0.5mg

Composition Tacrolimus 2mg
Indication Organ transplantation
Packaging 6x10 Capsule
SKU: GHAC-047 Category: Tags: ,

ZOGRAF 0.5 mg  helps patient’s body to cope up with organ transplant by suppressing immune system

ZOGRAF 0.5mg Organ transplantation helps the patient to survive organ failure. This significantly improves the life quality of the individual. However, they face some of the biggest challenges in their health. The patient after the transplantation of the organ needs to consume the immuno-suppressants. It is these particular medications that are weakening the immune system so that they are not able to attack the transplanted organ. So typically these are actually working as anti-rejection medications for controlling the adverse effects after organ transplant. Tacrolimus is actually helpful & administered for the prevention of the rejection of organ transplants. This medication is belonging to the category of calcineurin-inhibiting substances.

Description about ZOGRAF 0.5MG

The drug produces the reactivity of the patient’s immune system. When the recipient gets the organ transplanted, then the WBCs activate against the transplanted organ considering it a foreign agent. However, ZOGRAF 0.5mg suppresses the body’s immune system for preventing the WBCs from getting rid of the organ which has been transplanted. The medication is administered together with the steroids for helping out in coping with the organ transplant through suppression of the immune system.

Composition of ZOGRAF 0.5mg

This immunosuppressant is containing the chief substance Tacrolimus, which shows its action in the patient’s body.

Uses of ZOGRAF 0.5mg

The main use of the Tacrolimus is to arrest the activity of the immune system to attack or reject the transplanted organ in the patient’s body, whether liver, kidney, or heart.

How ZOGRAF 0.5 is acting?

This drug is suppressing immune system activity. The  ZOGRAF 0.5 is demonstrating its action by carrying out the rejection through the inhibition of the T lymphocytes cells within the body. This is for the treatment of the rejection of an organ in the patient(recipient) who had undergone its implant.

How to take ZOGRAF 0.5?

The ZOGRAF 0.5 mg has its availability in the pill or granules or tablets and it is meant to consume orally. The oral suspension as well as the pills are generally taken two times a day, after 12 hours. The capsules and tablets are taken typically without a meal during the morning time. This is generally 1 hour after taking breakfast.

Dosage of ZOGRAF 0.5mg

The  ZOGRAF is available in capsule form. The number of capsules that are required to be consumed is decided by the doctor after the careful diagnosis and health condition of the patient. You are required to engulf the capsule with a glass of potable water.

  • Missed dosage

In case you have missed the dosage, take it whenever it strikes your mind. But make sure to take it within 6 hours of your usual medicine time.

  • Overdosing of Tacrolimus

If you are taking Tacrolimus in more than the recommended concentration, then this can be harmful and can produce undesirable effects. So, immediately call the health care specialist.

Drug Interactions

Some medicinal products may interact with this immunosuppressant.

The drugs that can interfere and produce ill effects while taken with ZOGRAF 0.5 mg are:

  • Antacids
  • Cyclosporine
  • Sirolimus
  • Temsirolimus
  • Ziprasidone
  • cimetidine
  • danazol
  • nefazodone
  • ethinyl estradiol
  • methylprednisolone
  • John’s wort
  • azole antifungals
  • HIV protease inhibitors

General Warning & Precautions

  • Contact your physician in case you get in touch with someone who is having chicken pox/shingles
  • There is a bit of the hazard of having skin cancer to the people who are administered ZOGRAF 0.5mg. So make sure to keep checking your skin for any spots or moles and protect yourself from exposure of the sunlight
  • There can also be an impact on your blood count or this medication may sometimes lead to liver or renal issues.
  • It can also affect the level of sugar in your blood, and the rate of your heartbeat or can lead to blood pressure. So, while you are on treatment with this immunosuppressant, your doctor will be arranging frequent testing to see the progress of your health
  • Since Tacrolimus is impacting the patient’s immune system and thus, while being treated with this medication your body becomes more susceptible to infection. So communicate with your physician in case you are having signs of high temperature, infection, bruising, bleeding, or any other of symptom which is the cause of concern.
  • Make sure to wash your hands frequently
  • Ensure your mouth remain clean by proper brushing
  • Avoid vaccination while you are on treatment with ZOGRAF 0.5mg
  • Live in a hygienic environment and take clean and properly prepared food

Storage conditions

It is important to lock the medicinal bottle in the proper place, reaching away from your children as well as pets. Also don’t keep the capsule bottle in your restroom or any damp place. As the moisture reduces the effectiveness of this medication. So, store the medicinal packet at a cool, humid-free area that is away from the direct falling of sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Is it safe to use ZOGRAF 0.5mg?

In comparison to the other immunosuppressants available in the market, ZOGRAF 0.5mg is the most widely accepted and recommended by doctors worldwide to patients who have undergone organ transplants.

  • Can I get vaccination while getting treatment with ZOGRAF 0.5mg?

No, you should not take the live vaccination. The vaccination is not going to work,

  • Can I consume alcohol with this immunosuppressant drug?

You should avoid taking alcohol/ grapefruit juice/grapefruit wine as this can lead to undesirable effects.