Composition Abiraterone acetate 250mg
Indication prostate cancer
Packaging 120 Tablets
SKU: GHAC-022 Categories: , Tags: ,

ABIRASURE drug transformed manner in which advanced prostate cancer is treated

Abirasure 200, Did you know that cancer disease is one of the leading causes of death globally, accounting for more than 10 million deaths in the year 2020 alone? Prostate cancer is one of the common forms and approximately 18.8 out of 100000 people are dying due to this fatal disease. Many males worldwide suffer from the slow-growing form of this illness while in others prostate cancers are aggressive and even spread outside the confinement of the prostate leading to a low survival rate.

Majorly prostate cancer is developing from the gland cells existing in the region. It is these cells that are responsible for the prostate fluid to be entered into the semen. The treatment for this illness is highly individualized. It is reflected not only in the most accurate diagnosis but also in the health and lifestyle of the patient.

The doctors design comprehensive treatment procedures ranging from minimally invasive surgeries to therapies targeting the DNA of cancer cells, to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of the patient’s life. Abirasure is a prescription drug utilized for the treatment of a patient having castration-resistant prostate cancer. The drug with its component, Abiraterone acetate got its approval from FDA(Food and Drug Administration) in the year 2011 & initially it was utilized by EMA(European Medical Agency) within 3 months.

Description about Abirasure

The  Abirasure comprises the active compound Abiraterone acetate in 250-milligram concentration. It is utilized in adult males for hormonal therapy of type of prostate cancer which has already spread to other body parts. The drug is belonging to the category of compounds known as anti-androgens or anti-testosterone. As it is this testosterone hormone that is causing the spread and the growth of cancerous cells.

So, it is being administered in combination with steroid drugs in order to reduce the chances of all adversaries. During the prescription of the  Abirasure at an early stage, it is administered with the treatment to lower down testosterone levels. However, this medication is not to be utilized by females as well as children as it is intended only for men.

Composition of Abirasure

250 MG Tablet of this medication comprises of abiraterone acetate.

Uses of  Abirasure

The Abirasure is utilized in combination with the steroid prednisone as a way to render hormonal therapy. The medicine is administered in combination with prednisone or methylprednisolone for curing prostate cancer, spreading across other body parts. Thus, this drug is put to use under the condition that it is not possible to cure prostate cancer through the implementation of other therapies or surgical interventions. The medicine is also treating prostate cancer developed during the early stage when it is utilized in combination with the androgen deprivation therapeutic procedure

How to consume ABIRASURE 250 mg?

  • It is taken generally twice a day in combination with the prednisone steroid.
  • This prostate cancer-curing drug should be consumed as per the direction and recommendation of the physician.
  • Since it is an oral tablet, it needs to be taken via mouth. You have to swallow the pill as a whole with water. Don’t break, chew or crush the medicine.
  • The patient can consume the food two hours before taking the pill. However, you must not consume anything for a minimum of a single hour once you have taken the medicine.

How Abirasure works?

The body of males requires the sex hormone, testosterone for the growth of the cancerous cells. So, abiraterone acetate inhibits the mechanism of synthesis of testosterone, thereby slowing down the growth of the cancerous cells.

Side effects of taking Abirasure

There is a reduction in the risk of adversaries when Abirasure is taken in combination with the  prednisone. However, some of the common possible side effects include:

  • Fluid retention
  • Swelling of ankles/ hands
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Liver issues
  • Drop in potassium concentration
  • Tiredness
  • Fast and irregular heartbeat
  • Dropped level of white blood cells
  • Fatigue
  • Increase in level of lever enzyme
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe infections
  • example sepsis
  • Bone fractures
  • Blood in urine

What to do when I miss drug dosage?

In case of missing the dosage of abiraterone acetate, just skip it & stick back to your regular dose schedule. Make sure not to consume two drug dosages at one point. In case of missing more than a single dosage, contact your physician.

Overdosing of Abirasure 250

If accidentally patient overdosed on this medication, then make sure to get in touch with a doctor or immediately take the patient to the hospital straight away.

Drug & food interactions

Drug interactions

Before starting your course of treatment with Abirasure 250 inform your physician if you are already taking the medicines mentioned below:

  • Tranquilizers
  • Anti-diabetic pills
  • Medicines for treating skin infections
  • Ra-223, which is a radioactive drug for curing prostate cancer
  • Quinidine, and procainamide for treating a regularity in a heartbeat
  • Medicines for androgen deprivation therapy to cure prostate cancer like leuprolide or goserelin
  • Methodone drug de-addiction drug
  • Moxifloxacin antibacterial infections
  • Antipsychotics medications

Food interactions

The Abirasure 250 should not be consumed with grapefruit juice or grapefruit wine as it elevates the hazards of side effects.

Drug warning & precautions

  • This medication is not recommended for patients demonstrating allergic reactivity towards abiraterone acetate
  • Also before beginning treatment with this medication, inform the doctor in case of elevated blood pressure
  • Inform doctor if you have lung issues for example shortness of breath
  • In case of swelling of your feet, legs, or diabetes you need to consult your physician first
  • Also if you have kidney or liver issues inform the doctor
  • It should be used with extra cautious in all patients who have undergone heart diseases like stroke, cardiac failure, irregularity in heartbeat, or rhythmic issues.
  • Abirasure 250 mg is not meant for women, adolescents, and children
  • It is advisable to consume this medication with caution in the elderly patients who are 75 or above age

How to store Abirasure?

Storage of the Abirasure tablet bottle needs to be done at room temperature in between the range of 15-30 degrees Celsius. Keep it away from the heat, light as well as humidity. Also, make sure to keep the drug packet away from the reach of your children and pets.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Is Abirasure 250 mg chemotherapy medication?

No, Abirasure is not a chemotherapy medication but it is a hormonal treatment. It is utilized to provide treatment to the adult male in which the cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body. The Abiraterone acetate inhibits the mechanism of production of testosterone which flows down the growth of the cancer cells.

  • What is the need for the intake of prednisolone while taking Abirasure?

The doctor will be prescribing the patient prednisolone while consuming Abirasure. The reason is that when these two drugs are taken in combination it reduces the hazard of drug side effects like elevated blood pressure, retention of fluid, or reduction in the potassium level within the body.

  • Will intake of Abirasure 250 worsen liver syndromes?

The answer is yes. So in a patient with a chronic liver condition,  Abirasure is not at all prescribed by a doctor. So make sure to inform your doctor about any liver disorder you have before beginning your treatment with this pill.