Anzabest Tablet

Composition Anastrozole tablets ip 1 mg
Indication Breast cancer
Packaging 10x10 Tablets
SKU: GHAC-6 Categories: , Tags: ,

Anzabest Tablet IP 1 mg is widely used for treatment of advanced breast cancer

Breast cancer is common and holds for more than 12% of the annual cancerous cases globally. Around 13% of the females in America alone are going to have the symptoms of invasive breast cancer in their lives. In the year 2020, approximately 7.8 million females were diagnosed with this chronic disease, making it one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. The mortality rate of the illness has changed quite a lot over the years and there has been improvement in the rate of survival due to the early detection techniques in combination with the targeted therapy for eradicating the invasive symptoms.

One of the vital risks of the occurrence of breast cancer is gender. Because it is more prominent in females. Age, alcohol intake, increased body weight, family history, reproductive issues, intake of tobacco, exposure to radiation, or postmenopausal hormonal therapy are some of the most identifiable risk factors of this fatal disease. One of the widely utilized anti-cancerous drugs for treating advanced breast cancer in women with postmenopausal symptoms is Anastrozole tablets IP 1 mg.

Description about Anzabest Tablet

Anzabest has applications in curing the hormone receptor and positive breast cancer. The compound got its approval from FDA in the year 1995. Since then, it has been administered to patients with the symptoms of advanced breast cancer to all those women who have no longer been menstruating. So it is utilized during hormonal therapy in curing cancer in the breast region which is sensitive to hormones.

Uses of this drug

The ANZABEST tablets IP 1 mg comprise of the active compound, anastrozole. This substance falls in the category of the medication known as aromatase inhibitors. This substance is utilized for curing the cancerous cells within the breast in women who are no longer mensurating. The Eprasure DSR Capsule containing the substance Esomeprazole, which is a proton pump inhibitor, is resulting in the decrease of the acid within the stomach.

How ANZABEST tablets IP is acting?

The ANZABEST 1 mg drug is actually working by carrying out the blocking of the enzyme aromatase which is producing the estrogen hormone in the body. So together the tablet is preventing or arresting the growth of the tumorous cells to other parts of the body.

How to take Anzabest Tablet?

This medication must be taken as per the instructions and under the guidance of a physician. The dosage and frequency will be decided by the physician. Being an oral tablet you have to take it with a glass of water once you have taken your meals. Make sure not to miss your dosage or take more than the permissible amount.

What to do if I forget my dosage?

In case you forgot to take your Anastrozole tablet, you can consume the missed one whenever it strikes your mind. But when the time is nearer to your next dosing schedule just keep whatever, you missed out and continue with your regular medicinal intake schedule. However, don’t attempt to double your intake of your drug dosage.

Side effects

Given below is a list of some of the common side effects of taking Anastrozole tablets IP 1 mg:

  • Hot flushing
  • Weakness, tiredness
  • Joint stiffness
  • Joint stiffness
  • Allergic reactions or hypersensitivity
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Weakening of bones
  • Vaginal dryness, bleeding from vagina
  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tingling, pain, coldness, weakness in parts of the
  • Tickling sensation or numbness of skin
  • Taste loss
  • Muscular pain

In case of mild symptoms, they will disappear on their own in a few days. However, if they persist and discomfort is more severe, contact your physician immediately

Drug warning & precautionary measures

  • It is important to ensure that you must not take ANZABEST tablets IP in case of allergic to any of its components
  • This medication is not meant for females who have not undergone menopause.
  • For the most effective hormonal therapy, continue to consume the drug as per the prescription of a doctor. Don’t take your decision to stop its intake the midway
  • In case of having some kind of allergies, fractures within bone, osteoporosis, elevated cholesterol or you have kidney/ liver syndrome, then communicate with the physician before starting your treatment with this medicine
  • This medication is not meant for the pregnant, on the way to pregnancy, or lactating mother
  • There may be a tendency of getting weakened or have dizziness, so don’t drive as it may affect your alertness.
  • The ANZABEST tablets IP 1 mg should not be administered to children or adolescence
  • Make sure not to consume alcohol with this medicine as it can cause the dizziness
  • Inform your physician about your current health conditions and other medications you are already taking before starting your hormonal therapy with his drug to rule out any adversaries later.

Drug interactions

Make sure to inform the doctor about all the prescription, non-prescription or herbal remediation you are taking. Ensure not to initiate, stop or even alter your medicinal dosage without the prior approval of the physician.

Some of the drugs that have the tendency to counter interact with  ANZABEST tablets IP 1 mg include:

  • Estrogens
  • Tamoxifen
  • Tibolone

Storage conditions

The Anzabest tablets IP 1 mg drug bottle needs to be placed somewhere away from the light and humidity. Don’t keep it in your bathroom. In case of its expiry or when you don’t need it anymore, never try to flush it in the toilet and dispose of it carefully.

FAQS( Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Is taking Anastrozole a part of chemotherapy?

No, the intake of this drug is the administration of hormonal therapy. Chemotherapy involves targeting and arresting the cancer cells. However, anastrozole pills is working by arresting of the growth cells by inhibiting the production of estrogen hormone.

  • Will Anastrozole consumption leads to hair loss?

When the clinical trials are conducted on patients, a very small percentage around 2.5% experienced the symptoms of hair thinning. So it is not obvious that you will observe the symptoms right away or it may take several months to even years to become here loss noticeable.

  • Can men with breast cancer take Anastrozole tablets IP 1 mg?

There might be a possibility. Till now, this medication is approved for the treatment of breast cancer in post-menopausal females. However, it can also be utilized off-label for the remediation of males demonstrating symptoms of tumors in the breast. Additionally, some doctors may also recommend the use of this medication off-label when the man is undergoing testosterone replacement therapeutic process.