Capebest 500 Tablet

Composition Capecitabine 500mg tablet
Indication colon cancer, colorectal cancer
Packaging 5x10 Tablets
SKU: GHAC-020 Categories: , Tags: ,

Capebest 500 Tablet is breakthrough medication for treating colorectal cancerous growth

Capebest 500 Tablet Colorectal cancer stands among the third most commonly diagnosed form of the disease. In the year 2020,  1880725 individuals had this disease. However, the rate of the occurrence of colorectal cancer cases has seen a drip since the 1980s. There is a prediction that by the end of this year 150,000+ people will be suffering from this type of cancer and it is going to result in the fatality of more than 52000 people in America alone.

This type of cancer cells starts emerging in the colon(large intestine), which exists in the last region of the digestive tract. Although incidences of this malignancy have been found in all age categories, are the ones affected by it most frequently. Usually, it begins with the formation of benign, microscopic cells called polyps that begin to appear inside the colon. And eventually it changes into malignant cells. Beyond its primary indication in breast cancer treatment, Letclas Tablet demonstrates versatility in addressing various health concerns.

Although, the exact cause of this disease is not being properly cleared. However, a combination of the genetic as well as the environment and factors have been cited. The combination of the treatment approaches tailored to the condition of the patient is the best course of remediation which includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy as well as surgical intervention to manage symptoms and improve the patient’s life quality. One breakthrough medication utilized for curing people with following cancerous cells spreading to the lymph nodes, and also to the region closer to the colon after the surgical procedure is Capecitabine.

Description about Capecitabine

Following surgery, individuals with colon cancer who have reached the Duke’s C stage—when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the vicinity of the colon—are the main recipients of Capebest 500 Tablet therapy. Alternatively, it is used to treat metastatic colorectal malignant growths that have migrated to other parts of the patient’s body.


This medication comprises the active substance Capecitabine, which belongs to the class of compounds known as antimetabolites.

Uses of Capebest 500 Tablet

The authorized treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer is capebest 500. At first, it was approved for use in monotherapy to treat colorectal cancer in both the United States and the European Union. Since then, the medication capecitabine has been used in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques to treat colorectal, stomach, and metastatic cancer.

How  Capebest 500mg is working?

The drug is helping in the cure of colon cancer by arresting the growth of the cancerous cells.

Side effects

Along with the intended impact, just like other medications Capebest 500 tablet may also lead to some other unwanted effect.
Contact your doctor immediately when you start experiencing unwanted effects like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Fingerprints losses
  • Numbness
  • Pain or tingling sensation within the palms, hands or feet bottom
  • Redness or swelling of hands or feet
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Tiredness/ weakness

Your healthcare provider will communicate about the ways to reduce the undesirable effects. But if the side effects don’t go away or continue to bother you, then simply get in touch with your health care provider.

How to take Capebest 500 tablet?

  • Since this medication is very strong and thus, it is important to ensure that it does not
    pose risks & patients can get all the benefits.
  • So, work includes association with the physician and taking the medication as
    directed. Also, read all the instructions carefully which are mentioned on the product
  • It is recommended to consume the medication around half an hour after taking the
    food. Make sure to take the medication same time each and every day.
  • This oral tablet is required to be engulfed with water as a whole but don’t attempt to chew or crush it. In order to check the progress and if the medication is not causing side effects, the patient’s blood test is to be done regularly.
  • Also, doctors assess the functioning of the liver and kidney through diagnosis. So, make sure not to miss out any of the follow-ups with the health care provider.

Missed dosage

If you missed the Capebest 500, take it within 12 hours when you remember. However, if time is more than 12 hours skip whatever dosage you missed and just go back to your usual routine.

Storage conditions

Store the medicine container in the range of room temperature. Capebest 500 is to be put in place which is away from the direct light, high temperature & humid conditions. Also don’t freeze and discard the medications that are no longer needed. Jaksure 5 Tablet provides swift and effective relief from inflammation and pain.

Drug interactions

Make sure to inform about the list of all the prescription/non-prescription or herbal medicines that you are taking. Here is a list of some of the medications that counter-interact & and are not recommended to be utilized with Capebest 500.

  • Aceclofenac
  • Acenocoumarol
  • Benznidazole
  • Brivudine
  • Dexlansoprazole
  • Diclofenac
  • Esomeprazole
  • Fosphenytoin
  • Glimepiride
  • Glyburide
  • Influenza Virus Vaccine
  • Lansoprazole
  • Methotrexate
  • Nimorazole
  • Omeprazole
  • Ornidazole
  • Pantoprazole
  • Tamoxifen
  • Tinidazole
  • Warfarin

Drug warning & precautionary measures

  • Before starting your course of treatment with Capecitabine, inform your physician about any infection
  • Some of the patients tend towards increased sensitivity towards light so make sure to avoid prolonged exposure to light.
  • Men and women who are taking Capecitabine ensure to adopt the birth control measures
  • Inform the physician about your pregnancy as poses harm to the foetus
  • Don’t take it if you are a breastfeeding mother
  • The Capecitabine 500mg is to be administered with extra caution in elderly patients
  • This medication may pose harmful effects on the kidney or liver, so take it only upon the doctor’s prescription and advise
  • It may also pose mild effect on the heart, so a doctor’s discretion is must

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

  • For how long to take Capebest 500?
    The patient’s dosage, its cycle, and the duration of the therapy will be decided by the oncologist, conditions and also what other chemotherapeutic drugs he/she is taking.
  • Do I need to take birth control measures while on Capecitabine?
    Yes, it is a must to adopt birth control methods as this medication may be harmful to the foetus. The females are required to adopt birth control methods for around 6 months till they take the final dosage.
  • Will I feel tiredness while taking Capecitabine?
    Yes, there is a tendency that once you start your treatment with this drug you may fill hardness and weakness. As this is a possible side effect so make sure not to drive or operate any heavy machinery as it is going to affect your alertness.