Temosure 20 Capsule

Composition temozolomide 20mg Capsules
Indication Glioblastoma
Packaging 5 Capsules
SKU: GHAC-069 Categories: ,

Temosure 20 Capsule Is Anti-Cancerous Oral Therapeutic Medication

Today, glioblastoma is accounting for almost 50% of the cancerous brain tumors taking place in adults. It is a type of brain cell cancer that is growing rapidly. & later it spread throughout the brain region. It is estimated that every year 12000 individuals in the US alone are diagnosed with this form of malignant brain tumor. Most of the time, it is quite aggressive. And this simply entails that it grows and spreads quickly.

It is a very devastating type of brain cancer that can result in the death of the sufferers within 6 months or even less if the right treatment is not administered. Thus, it is extremely imperative to look for specific neurooncological treatment and care in order to keep the tumor controlled.

One of the potent & advanced anticancer remediation that are utilized for treating and managing brain as well as spine cancer along with other therapeutic measures is Temosure 20.

Description about Temosure 20 Capsule

The Temosure 20 Capsule is a class of anti-tumor medication that is commonly prescribed for the treatment of brain cancer like glioblastoma multiforme in adults. Also for treating and managing the conditions of malignant glioma,  anaplastic astrocytoma along with radiation therapy after the biopsy is done.

Manufacturer of Temosure 20 capsule

This anti-tumor therapeutic medicine was introduced by an Indian pharmaceutical company based in Mumbai. The company is working towards making sense of the premium quality and cost-effective medication for supporting cancer patients in need.

Composition of Temosure 20

The chief and active component present in Temosure is temozolomide 20mg. These temozolomide 20 mg capsules are utilized for treating and managing the newly diagnosed condition of glioblastoma multiforme. It is also used in the therapeutic management of refractory anaplastic astrocytoma.

Uses of Temosure 20 mg capsules

  • This anti-tumor remedy is utilized for treating certain forms of brain cancers.
  • The chief substance present in the drug is temozolomide 20mg which belongs to the category of alkylating agents. This substance is utilized for treating the specific category of brain tumors within adults having the newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiform. This is used in combination with radiotherapy.
  • Also, it is administered in children (above the age of 3 years) as well as adults for managing malignant gliomas, especially under the condition of their returning/ condition getting worse after standard therapy.

How does Temosure 20 mg tablet act?

The temozolomide 20mg Capsules are actually working through the damage of the genetic components like DNA and RNA off the cancerous cells within the brain as well as spinal. And thus they are retarding the growth of cells and their multiplication.

What is the best way to consume Temosure 20 mg capsule?

Make sure to utilize this anti-cancerous drug as per the doctor’s directions. The physician will decide the appropriate dosage of the medicine based on the height, weight, and medical condition of the patient. Swallow the capsule with a full glass of water on an empty stomach. Also, ensure not to chew, crush, or break the capsule. Additionally, make sure to avoid open Temosure capsules coming in direct contact with the skin.

Temosure 20 mg drug dosage

The appropriate dosage of Temosure 20 mg is determined based on the specific condition of the patient. And the instructions and advice may be adjusted as per the requirement. The patient needs to ensure to consume temozolomide 20mg tablet at the same time every day on an empty stomach. Although it may take weeks or months to avail the full benefits of Temosure 20 mg.

How to use temozolomide 20mg Capsule?

Make sure to take the medication through mouth as directed by a physician. This is usually once in a day throughout the treatment schedule. Also, opening, chewing, or coming in direct contact with the dissolved content of the capsule. In case the patient vomits after the dosage, avoid giving more drugs.

What to do in case of missed dosage?

If you somehow missed the temozolomide 20mg Capsule dosage, contact the physician straight away for your next new dosing schedule. However, avoid the double dozing for catching up.

What to do in case of overdosing Temosure 20 mg?

Under the condition of overdosing on this medication is accompanied by serious issues for example passing or difficulty in breathing, contact your Emergency Healthcare facility straight away.

Temosure 20 mg capsule side effects

It is common to all the medications & just like that Temosure leads to some side effects that disappear when the body adjusts to the same. It does not require medical attention. However, if the side effects persist, and you get concerned about the same, communicate with the doctor immediately.

Some Temosure 20 mg capsule side effects are:

  • Issues in coordination
  • Loss in appetite
  • Alteration in weight
  • Wound and infection
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrheal
  • Skin rashes
  • Loss in the hair
  • Alteration in the count of blood cells
  • Muscular pain
  • Elevated level of blood sugar
  • Hearing and vision abnormality
  • Difficulty while sleeping
  • Blood clotting
  • Chills and fever
  • Built up of fluid within the lungs
  • Liver issues
  • Allergic reactivity
  • Convulsions
  • And others

Drug interactions of Temozolomide 20 mg

There is a possibility of interaction of the Temozolomide with Other drugs like:

  • Adenovirus types 4 and 7 live, oral
  • Deferiprone
  • Influenza virus vaccine quadrivalent, adjuvanted
  • Influenza virus vaccine trivalent, adjuvanted
  • Palifermin
  • Tofacitinib

And several other medications

Also, keep a list of all the medications/ herbal products that you are taking and share it with your doctor as well as pharmacist. Keep in mind not to initiate, stop, or even alter the medicine dosage without the approval of a physician.

Drug advice & precautionary measures

  • Always take Temosure 20 mg under the strictest supervision of the doctor. The physician will be regulated by regularly monitoring the condition of the patient while consuming Temozolomide 20mg. Inform the physician if you have allergic reactivity against any component present in this anti-tumor drug.
  • Also tell the doctor if you have infections, lung, cardiac, kidney, or liver disorders. Or there is a condition of low blood count in the body. Also, temozolomide 20mg capsules are not recommended for patients who are having bone marrow depression/ significant bleeding.
  • Avoid consuming this medicine if you are a pregnant/ breastfeeding mother.
  • Also, both men and women need to take birth control while they are on Temosure 100 mg to avoid pregnancy or becoming a father. Make sure not to take any vaccinations/immunizations without approval from the physician when you are taking this anti-cancerous drug.

How to store temozolomide 20mg Capsules?

The storage condition should be room temperature. Make sure to store the medicine in a cool and dry place and there should not be any exposure to direct sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I drive after taking Tonsure 20?

No, you should not drive after consuming this anti-cancerous medicine. As it reduces alertness. Also, it impacts the vision and makes the patient feel dizzy as well as sleepy.

  • Can temozolomide 20mg intake lead to hair fall?

The patient undergoes radiation therapy on the brain while taking the chemotherapy with temozolomide. And thus there is a tendency that he/she may experience skin reactivity as well as hair loss.

And this means the loss of the hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, hair over the legs, underarms, and also the pubic hair. However, the hair comes back after the treatment is over.

  • Do I need to consume Temosure empty stomach?

You can take it once in the whole day empty stomach with a full glass of water. Take it before your dinner or 2 hours after your meal before going to bed. Make sure to take the temozolomide 20mg pill same time during the whole day.

  • From where I can buy Temosure 20 mg?

Get ready to buy Temosure 20 mg capsules from the digital Healthcare platform online. You can now conveniently buy temozolomide 20mg online through the convenient 24 & 7 accessible e-pharmacy with the best quality healthcare.

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