Temosure 250 Capsule

Composition temozolomide 250mg Capsules
Indication Glioblastoma
Packaging 5 Capsules
SKU: GHAC-071 Categories: ,

Temosure 250 Capsule Is Utilized In Curing Certain Categories Of Brain Cancers

Glioblastoma, GBM is considered as a grade IV, fast-growing, and one of the most aggressive brain tumors. The cancerous cells are invading the nearby brain tissue. However, it does not spread to the other distant organs. It is one of the most common forms of the brain tumor. This form of cancer belongs to the category known as gliomas.

The therapy for Glioblastoma includes the surgical process, radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy. There can be a single option or a combination of the therapeutic measures taken by the doctor as well as the supportive treatments put in place to assist the patient with their symptoms. One of the most commonly utilized anticancer medications is Temosure 250 capsule. The active ingredient, temozolomide 250mg, is prescribed by the doctor for the treatment as well as maintenance of the brain and spine tumors along with the administration of other therapeutic processes.

Description about Temosure 250

The Temosure 250 capsule comprises the active component temozolomide. This belongs to the category of anti-tumor compounds. And has been primarily prescribed for the curing of brain cancer, for example, glioblastoma multiforme in adults. It is also administered in children who are above the age group of three years as well as adults for managing malignant gliomas like glioblastoma multiforme/ anaplastic astrocytoma.

Manufacturer of Temosure 250 capsule

The Indian pharmaceutical company, Cipla is providing this therapeutic category of the product globally.

Composition of Temosure 250

The Temosure 250 contains the active compound by the name of temozolomide. This substance belongs to the category of drugs known as antineoplastic agents.

Uses of Temosure 250

Temosure 250 is the orally administered alkylating agent that is most commonly used during chemotherapy for treating glioblastoma multiforme. And also anaplastic astrocytoma. It is the FDA-approved and first line of therapeutic product used for curing certain forms of brain and spinal cancers.

Benefits of Temosure 250 medicine

The main benefit is to treat certain categories of the cancer of the brain and also as a therapeutic measure in all the patients whose tumors have already returned or the cancerous cells have remained undiagnosed.

How temozolomide 250 mg capsule acts?

The anticancer agent interferes with the growth of the tumor cells and thus they get destroyed within the body. The compound enters the brain tissues and works by damaging the genetic material of the cancerous cells.

How to take Temosure 250 capsule?

You can take the Temosure as per the prescription by the physician. Make sure to swallow the capsule with a full glass of water. And never break, crush, or chew the medication. Also, make sure that the components of the medicine do not come in contact with your skin.

Drug dosage

The right dosage and its administration along with the duration for which it is to be prescribed is dependent upon the age, body weight as well as disease condition of the patient.

What to do if I missed Temosure 250 capsule?

Under the condition of missing temozolomide dosage, take it as soon as possible within the same day. However, if the whole day has already passed, get it checked by your doctor. But make sure not to double dose unless and until your doctor asks you to do the same.

What to do if I take too much, overdosed Temosure?

If you think you or anyone else has overdosed on temozolomide, immediately contact your doctor or emergency Healthcare facility for advice.

Side effects of temozolomide 250 mg

Some of the temozolomide 250 mg Side Effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Hair loss
  • Weakness
  • Frequent urination
  • Vision and hearing abnormalities
  • Elevated level of blood sugar
  • Muscular damage
  • Pain in the muscles as well as joints
  • Low RBC and WBC count
  • Issues of blood clotting
  • Liver or kidney issues

The physician is going to monitor the WBC as well as the platelet counts regularly.

What other drugs Temosure 250 is interacting with?

The temozolomide 250 mg has interactions with the drugs listed below:

  • Adenovirus types 4 and 7 live, oral
  • defer prone
  • Influenza virus vaccine quadrivalent, adjuvanted
  • Influenza virus vaccine trivalent, adjuvanted
  • Palifermin
  • Tofacitinib

This is not the all-inclusive and possible interactions or adverse effects of temozolomide 250 mg.

Storage conditions for Temosure 250

Store the medication within a closed container below 30 degrees Celsius temperature. Keep it away from freezing and also from the reach of children and pets.

Precautions and general warnings before taking Temosure 250 capsule

  • Communicate with your doctor in case you are allergic to any of the content present in temozolomide.
  • It is not recommended for individuals who have severe bone marrow depression/ significant bleeding.
  • Make sure not to take the Temosure 250 under the condition of being pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Inform the physician in case you are having kidney or liver issues
  • It is not recommended to be administered to children below the age of three years.
  • Also, temozolomide 250 should be used with a high level of caution in children as well as adolescents from 3 to 18 years of age.
  • Immediately stop taking Temosure 20 if you observe severe allergic reactivity, uncontrolled bleeding, seizure/fits, fever, chills, or severe headache.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I stop my Temosure 250 mg intake when I start feeling better?

No never stop taking your temozolomide capsule on your own unless and until you are advised by the doctor.

  • Is it possible to plan pregnancy once the course of Temosure 250 capsule is over?

No, you should not plan the pregnancy for a minimum of three months after the intake of your last dosage of temozolomide 250 mg.

  • From where to buy Temosure 250 mg capsule?

Get ready to buy Temosure 250 mg capsule online from the most reliable and trustworthy medical care platform. So, you can order your Healthcare products online. This is through the connection with the registered E-Commerce retail pharmacy & get the health care products delivered to your place.

Simply be ready to buy Temosure 250 mg in a simple, affordable, and convenient way!