
Composition Sofosbuvir + velpatasvir
Indication hepatitis C
Packaging 28 Tablets
SKU: GHAC-024 Categories: , Tags: ,

Cure your long-lasting HCV( hepatitis C viral infection) with VELASURE

Hepatitis C is an infection occurring in the liver and it is due to the growth of the HCV(hepatitis C virus). This type of virus is spreading through the blood contact of the individual who is infected. Today many individuals are contaminated with this type of virus. This is actually through the sharing of the infected needles, or other medical tools that are being utilized for the preparation as well as the injection of the medicines into the body. The Hepatitis C virus infection can be acute or chronic. At times it can take the form of long-term, serious as well as life-threatening infections leading to several health problems for example cirrhosis as well as liver carcinoma. Individuals who are having chronic viral infections sometimes do not demonstrate any symptoms initially. However, the symptoms appear only during the advanced stage of the liver carcinoma.

One widely utilized generic drug, which is a combination of the two ingredients Sofosbuvir & Velpatasvir is meant to cure the long-lasting viral infection(hepatitis C) in the liver organ of the body.

Description about VELASURE

The  VELASURE is a promising single pill with a combination of Sofosbuvir & Velpatasvir which is possessing potent activity for arresting the growth of the HCV(hepatitis C virus) and is working as a much-needed treatment option for all patients who are affected with the HCV genotype III infection. This medication is working by decreasing the count of the Hepatitis C virus within the body. In this manner, it is assisting the body’s immune system of the body for fighting against the infection and helps in recovering the body of the patient against the viral infection.

Composition of VELASURE

This oral fixed dosage is embedded with the combination of Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir in the concentration of 400 mg & 100 mg.


Being the single fixed dosage and comprising of the two substances Sofosbuvir & Velpatasvir, every component has its own important role. Sofosbuvir is belonging to the category of the antiviral drug NS5B polymerase inhibitors. Another class of the substance known as Velpatasvir is belonging to the antiviral drug known as complex replication( NS5A) inhibiting compound. It is the combined effect of these two substances which is carrying out the arresting of the growth of the virus which is resulting in the spread of hepatitis C within the liver and other parts of the body.

How VELASURE is working?

The VELASURE is utilized for the treatment of the patients, who are either not having cirrhosis or facing compensated cirrhosis. This antivirus drug is a targeted therapeutic product that is utilized for the reduction of the level of hepatitis in the body, thereby eliminating the virus from the patient’s blood with the passage of time.

How to take VELASURE antiviral medication?

The VELASURE is a fixed dosage that is required to be swallowed with water by mouth. So it can be taken with your meal or without its consumption once a day for around 12 weeks timings. You can take the medication as per the instructions given by the doctor. Make sure to follow all the directions on the product leaflet. Make sure not to consume the medication either in excessive or less amount than what has been told by the physician.

Side effects of taking anti-viral drug VELASURE

If you experience any side effects after taking the HCV-curing drug, then make sure to report to the healthcare professional quickly. Here is underlined adverse impact of taking this medication:

  • Allergic reactivity
  • Breathing issues
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Business
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • General tiredness
  • Trouble while sleeping

Storage conditions for VELASURE

You can store the medication bottle below the temperature of around 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to get rid of all the unused or expired tablets properly and keep them in a place where the children and pets are not able to reach.

Drug interactions

Certain drugs should not be utilized with Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir as this can lead to adversities. Here are some of the drugs that are not at all recommended while you are being treated with the HCV-curing VELASURE pills.

  • Levoketoconazole
  • Rifampin
  • Dexamethasone
  • Dexlansoprazole
  • Warfarin
  • St John’s Wort
  • Digoxin

Drug Warning & Precautionary Measures

  • Make sure to check the progress of your health condition by regularly visiting the doctor. This helps you to ascertain whether VELASURE is working effectively and also if there are any undesirable effects or not
  • This medication may lead to some undesirable affect for example cardiac arrest, abnormality in the heartbeat, and advanced liver illness. To communicate your doctor about your medical condition before starting your treatment with the antiviral drug
  • The VELASURE may lead to some of birth defects if any of the partners is using this medication at the time of conceiving or pregnancy. So, females who are being treated with the Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir should avoid becoming pregnant. Also, make sure to follow proper birth control measures
  • In case you have been contaminated with the hepatitis B or C infection earlier & may or may not have been treated then there is a tendency for the virus to become activated again through the intake of VELASURE. So inform and communicate with your doctor about all your concerns
  • Tell your doctor about all the prescription, OTC, herbal, or vitamin supplements that you are consuming

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Can I consume VELASURE antiviral drugs if I and suffering from cirrhosis?

This description drug is meant for treating the chronic genotype 1 to 6 hepatitis C infection, which can be either with or even without compensated cirrhosis. People who are suffering from advanced-stage cirrhosis, decompensated, then this medication is taken with another drug ribavirin. Consult your doctor to find out VELASURE if is right for you or not.

  • Can I take VELASURE when I previously had Hepatitis C and could not be cured?

When you had previously Hepatitis C which could not be properly treated, then  VELASURE might possibly work. In the clinical setting, the antiviral was successful in treating the patients who proposedly had hepatitis infection. The best advice will be given by your healthcare specialist. So speak to the doctor for finding what is most appropriate for you!